Kachin Baptist Convention Delegation Visits Mission Center
VALLEY FORGE, PA (9/10/15)—On September 2, 2015, a delegation of the Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC), Burma, led by General Secretary Dr. Samson Hkalam, visited the Mission Center. The visit focused on relationship building, as the delegation made its way to attend an annual youth conference in Jacksonville, Florida, organized by the newly established Kachin Baptist Churches USA in the United States.
Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley, general secretary of ABCUSA, received the delegation and greetings were given by Rev. Zau Hkawng Dure, general secretary of the Kachin Baptist Churches USA; Virginia Holmstrom, executive director of American Baptist Women’s Ministries; Rev. Joan Friesen, executive minister of ABC of Greater Indianapolis and president of the Regional Executive Ministers Council; Dr. Patricia Hernandez, national director of American Baptist Women in Ministry and Transition Ministries; Rev. Florence Li and Rev. Saw Ler Htoo from the Burma Refugees Commission; and Rev. Dr. Reid Trulson, executive director of International Ministries and Rev. Dr. Aidsand F. Wright-Riggins III, executive director of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies during a luncheon.
Read more: Kachin Baptist Convention Delegation Visits Mission Center